Christ Church Outreach Center

Christ Episcopal Church

Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church.
Thanks for visiting us!​ We are a small, warm, welcoming and active congregation with a weekend attendance of 30-45.
Services: ​
Sunday services begin at 10am.​
Morning Prayer on the First, Third and Fifth Sundays, in the Chapel.
Holy Communion on the 2nd, 4th, and all Holy Days in the Sanctuary.
Weekly Coffee Hour is immediately following Sunday services in the Osborn Room. Please join us for coffee, treats and fellowship.
Weekday services begin at 9am.
Morning prayer Monday through Friday.
Come in person or watch live on our Facebook page.
Check out our monthly newsletter, the Lamplighter Newsletter, and our monthly calendars for more updates of the church community
We hope you find Christ Church to be a safe place to encounter God's word and share in Christ's community in the church and in the world.