Christ Church Outreach Center
Christ Episcopal Church
Church Ministries
Males and females can begin this ministry as young as grade 4 through adulthood and may serve at all services at Christ Church. They assist our Clergy in a variety of ways; bearing torches, carrying a processional cross, carrying the Gospel, as well as receiving the offertory plates from the congregation.
Community Ministries
Shiawassee Families Against Narcotics
Stronger Together Meetings - Second and forth Wednesday at 6:30pm
Yoga for Recovery- Mondays at 6pm
Board Meetings- third Wednesday at 6:30pm
Altar Guild
The Altar guild, both male and female, serves an important function to the church, by preparing and maintaining the altar, the altar flowers and all Eucharistic vessels, candles and garments. The Altar Guild also prepares the altar and worship space for all worship services, including weddings, baptisms, confirmations, and funerals.
We are pleased to provide space for nine AA meetings.
Lectors - Eucharistic Ministers -
Worship Leaders
Lay Readers (Lectors) read the Holy Scriptures and Prayers.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM) participate in leading intercessions and distributing communion. A Eucharistic Visitor takes Holy Communion after corporate worship to the sick and shut in who are unable to attend worship.
Worship Leaders lead the non-Eucharistic services of worship, particularly Morning Prayer. All members are encouraged to consider serving in roles associated with worship.
When you enter the church on Sunday morning, you will be greeted by two members of the congregation who will give you a worship bulletin and help you with anything you might need. These people are called ushers. Ushers also bring the bread and wine to the altar for communion, collect the congregation's offerings and assist the congregation as they go to the altar rail to receive communion.